The MarEvol group is an international research group at Kiel University, headed by Prof. Olivia Roth. We focus on the evolutionary mechanisms underlying complex biotic interactions, the resulting selection and evolutionary change.
Our study system are the syngnathids (pipefishes & seahorses), which have evolved unique adaptations in physiology, life-history, immunology, behavior and morphology. We aim to understand the unique male pregnancy evolution in syngnathids that is tightly linked to a genomic rearrangement of their immune system. We are using this unique male pregnancy to disentangle sex from sex roles and to study trans-generational phenotypic plasticity via the maternal (egg) and the paternal route (pregnancy). We focus on the pipefish microbiome and its transfer across generations and investigate the interaction between sex, immunity and age.
We provide curious and dedicated students the opportunity to conduct their BSc or MSc studies here, either as part of an ongoing project or as a more independent project.
We aim to engage students in evolutionary biology and the marine habitat. We want to strengthen understanding of marine biotic interactions and provide insight into current research. Our goal is to spend time at and in the ocean with students, to provide a sense of life in the Baltic Sea, and to teach observing and experimenting with marine organisms in the ocean and in the laboratory.
Various photos taken during field work, experiments or other occasions.