Dr. Arseny Dubin

Marine Evolutionary Ecology Group

Room 617

phone +49 (0) 431 880 1615


I did my bachelors in zoology at Petrozavodsk State University, then moved to Bodø, Norway, for my master’s and PhD. My PhD project was focused on generating chromosome-level genome assembly of the white anglerfish Lophius piscatorius (monkfish) and quality annotation with an emphasis on immune-related genes. 
Now I work as a PostDoc at Olivia Roth’s lab in Kiel, Germany, where I am involved in several projects on the evolution of immune systems, sex roles and sex-specific traits in syngnathids.

My research interests include but are not limited to:

  • Parasitology
  • Genome evolution
  • Evolution of defense systems and strategies, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes
  • Mitochondrial genomics
  • RNA biology
  • Viruses and selfish genetic elements as drivers of evolutionary transitions
  • Gene loss – gene gain mechanisms
  • Microbiology, especially extremophiles



I did my bachelors in zoology at Petrozavodsk State University, then moved to Bodø, Norway, for my master’s and PhD. My PhD project was focused on generating chromosome-level genome assembly of the white anglerfish Lophius piscatorius (monkfish) and quality annotation with an emphasis on immune-related genes. 
Now I work as a PostDoc at Olivia Roth’s lab in Kiel, Germany, where I am involved in several projects on the evolution of immune systems, sex roles and sex-specific traits in syngnathids.

My research interests include but are not limited to:

  • Parasitology
  • Genome evolution
  • Evolution of defense systems and strategies, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes
  • Mitochondrial genomics
  • RNA biology
  • Viruses and selfish genetic elements as drivers of evolutionary transitions
  • Gene loss – gene gain mechanisms
  • Microbiology, especially extremophiles